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RunnerDuck Raised Bed Project


First a correction and addition to last weeks project step. It was pointed out to me that I suggested using "bare" wire for your path lights. I really didn't mean "bare" wire I meant insulated wire that is not run through a conduit.
     Secondly I managed to leave out a picture of what our project looked like before we started to bring in fill dirt. Well, here it is:
Feed Pipe for Waterfall

This is a picture of the pipes that will feed our waterfall. The long feeder pipe is 4" PVC and the vertical pipe is 6". We felt that the larger vertical pipe would help "soften" the water flow.

STEP 6 - Wall Retainers

     One of the things we needed to do to build our "mountain" for the water fall was to make a couple of retaining walls. To make it look nice for our neighbors we decided to make one wall out of cement retaining wall blocks. They look nice and really hold back the dirt. Despite all the instructions we made our wall six feet tall without any additional supports. So far so good.
     For the wall on the back of our property we decided to make the retaining wall out of 4" X 6" treated timbers. At the back of our property we have a chain link fence and decided to use the posts to hold our timbers in place. We spiked them together to form a solid wall.
This seemed like a good idea at the time but after the first winter we discovered that the "mountain" could create a lot of pressure when it gets really wet. The pressure bent the steel posts of the chain link fence and the back of the "mountain" came down.
     We learned our lesson and rebuilt the same wall but with 4" X 6" treated timbers buried 4 feet in concrete. It's been great ever since.


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