Landscape Projects
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Ken and Marilyn

These projects require the use of power tools, hand tools and chemicals. Please use all precautions provided with the manufacturers tools and products. Use common sense and think about what you are about to do before you do it!

Bio Pond Filter
Gary's Waterwheel

Break An Egg

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The Waterwheel Project
     This project is pretty involved but as you can see from the picture it is very rewarding. This waterwheel is 5 1/2' in diameter and 12" wide. It is only ornamental and does not grind grain or generate any power.

     If you think this porject is too hard for you but would still like to have a nice looking waterwheel. Check out the beautifully crafted waterwheels at


Landscape Project

     Landscaping a new or existing area can be a real challenge. We hope our landscape project gives you a few pointers to help make the job a little easier. We'll share with you not only the "how to" but also our mistakes. This project includes a waterfall, pond, gardens, grass and bridges. We hope you enjoy this very large project.

Do It Yourself Bio Pond Filter
Bio Pond Filter

     Now that the sun is coming out more we are starting to grow lots of algae in our fishpond. We were going to put in a filter last year but just didn't get around to it. We've been scouring the Internet for a good bio filter design for our fishpond. We've been talking with lots of people that have bio filters as to what works and what doesn't. We took what we think is the best of each and created this easy to build filter system.


     Oh boy a new project! We got a weather vane for Christmas and have been trying to figure out where and how to mount it. We finally decided to mount it on our wheelhouse on top of a cupola. Of course the first thing we need to do is design and build a cupola. After researching many sites on the web we did not find any free plans for one so we had to make our own. We hope you enjoy this project and the free plans that come with it.

Gary's Waterwheel

     This waterwheel comes to us from Gary Mastolier in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. We love it when people share their woodworking plans with us and Gary did a wonderful job on this waterwheel.

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